Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Review

The Good:
  • Very Simple and Clean Interface
  • Anybody, regardless if they have a profile or not, can ask question!
  • You can keep track of different profiles through one stream.
  • You can ask Anonymously.
  • Being able to ask one question to multiple profiles that your following.
  • Getting an E-Mail notification when your question is answered.
  • Facebook Connect integration.
What I'd Like to See:
  • A way to see all of the questions you've asked to different profiles, anonymous or not.
  • An ability to see what questions a person has asked through the person's profile.
  • A Twitter style box, showing who a person is following on Formspring.
  • Something along the lines of following up on a question after you answer it. For Example: I'm asked "Have you watched The Dark Knight?", I Say "No, I won't be watching it.". After answering the question, it disappears in your inbox. You decide to follow up on the question by going on your profile to find the question and then you click 'Follow-Up' by adding to the answer. That question would then move back up to the top of your Questions Answered profile.
    • So Imagine This:
      • Have You Watched 'The Dark Knight'?
        No, I won't be watching it.
        FOLLOW-UP: I Happened to catch it on HBO, very very good!
        Answered 1 day ago FOLLOW-UP 1 hour ago

I really like I hope it becomes the next big thing. It's better than those Facebook question apps, mainly because anybody can ask a question without having an account! You can catch me on Formspring right here. Go ahead...Ask Me Anything!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quick Review: We Are The World 25

The Good:
  • Wycleaf Jean parts were fantastic, probably some of the best stuff he's done.
  • Kayne West coming out of hiding for this was a pleasant surprise, and he didn't seem like a tool.
  • Keeping the Micheal Jackson original in tact was great. Anybody else doing it would have been nothing short of horrible
  • Keeping in line of the original video by having random celebs "sing" with the group.
The Bad:
  • Barbra Streisand: She's horrible. Why is still singing?
  • Lil Wayne/Akon: I understand being concerned for Haiti, but why were they given solos?
  • Auto-Tune: In a song that is trying to raise profits for the earthquake, putting the must annoying thing in music in the last 25 years, will not help it.
  • Rap Session: At the time, it was probably cool, but it won't hold up in the years to come. Sorry...That rap was horrible.

Monday, February 8, 2010

NSFW Blitz Quiz

I made a rare, non-paid public 'appearance' on the hit new Web Show NSFW.
Check it Out.

New episodes air live Tuesdays 10EST/9CT.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dr. Annoyance: Facebook Fan Pages

It’s Dr. Annoyance here, bringing you something that annoys the shit out of me. At this time, it’s Facebook Pages.

I love social web sites. I’m an avid Twitterer and spend a lot of time on Facebook. Without Facebook, I probably wouldn’t be apart of many different conversations on Packer hating and discussions on movies. I have no problem with expressing yourself. Being a fan of a movie/artist/TV Show is fine with me. Mostly because I know if I become a fan of that product, I know I’ll get updates and important news about it. When things like this gets fan pages, it’s where I draw the line.

So, if I’m not a fan of having an STD, does that mean I’m a fan of having an STD? No, absolutely not. Who hasn’t had to blow into video games to make them work. I’d like to know, if you are a fan of not having an STD, are you consistently getting updates to continue to be STD free? Probably not.

To wrap this up: If your starting a fan page to be funny or cute, don’t invite me. If your trying to upstart a revolution by getting a restaurant in a town, be serious about it. Use that page to start rallies and spread petitions. Don’t become a fan and just say, “Yeah, it’d be nice.” and then nothing comes out of it. That is the equivalent of not having the fan page, which is a waste of space on the internets.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Construction Going On

..I'm fucking around with this site for a bit.

That banner up top is just a place holder, until I decide on my photoshop software, what you see is what you get.

Hopefully this will be home to many different opinion pieces and just me venting and getting shit out.

My Twitter is always updated...I'm still deciding on if I should put my Facebook badge on the site...I changed my mind, I'm not putting up my Facebook badge on the side.