- Very Simple and Clean Interface
- Anybody, regardless if they have a profile or not, can ask question!
- You can keep track of different profiles through one stream.
- You can ask Anonymously.
- Being able to ask one question to multiple profiles that your following.
- Getting an E-Mail notification when your question is answered.
- Facebook Connect integration.
- A way to see all of the questions you've asked to different profiles, anonymous or not.
- An ability to see what questions a person has asked through the person's profile.
- A Twitter style box, showing who a person is following on Formspring.
- Something along the lines of following up on a question after you answer it. For Example: I'm asked "Have you watched The Dark Knight?", I Say "No, I won't be watching it.". After answering the question, it disappears in your inbox. You decide to follow up on the question by going on your profile to find the question and then you click 'Follow-Up' by adding to the answer. That question would then move back up to the top of your Questions Answered profile.
- So Imagine This:
- Have You Watched 'The Dark Knight'?
No, I won't be watching it.
FOLLOW-UP: I Happened to catch it on HBO, very very good!
Answered 1 day ago FOLLOW-UP 1 hour ago
I really like Formspring.me. I hope it becomes the next big thing. It's better than those Facebook question apps, mainly because anybody can ask a question without having an account! You can catch me on Formspring right here. Go ahead...Ask Me Anything!