Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quick Review: We Are The World 25

The Good:
  • Wycleaf Jean parts were fantastic, probably some of the best stuff he's done.
  • Kayne West coming out of hiding for this was a pleasant surprise, and he didn't seem like a tool.
  • Keeping the Micheal Jackson original in tact was great. Anybody else doing it would have been nothing short of horrible
  • Keeping in line of the original video by having random celebs "sing" with the group.
The Bad:
  • Barbra Streisand: She's horrible. Why is still singing?
  • Lil Wayne/Akon: I understand being concerned for Haiti, but why were they given solos?
  • Auto-Tune: In a song that is trying to raise profits for the earthquake, putting the must annoying thing in music in the last 25 years, will not help it.
  • Rap Session: At the time, it was probably cool, but it won't hold up in the years to come. Sorry...That rap was horrible.

Monday, February 8, 2010

NSFW Blitz Quiz

I made a rare, non-paid public 'appearance' on the hit new Web Show NSFW.
Check it Out.

New episodes air live Tuesdays 10EST/9CT.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dr. Annoyance: Facebook Fan Pages

It’s Dr. Annoyance here, bringing you something that annoys the shit out of me. At this time, it’s Facebook Pages.

I love social web sites. I’m an avid Twitterer and spend a lot of time on Facebook. Without Facebook, I probably wouldn’t be apart of many different conversations on Packer hating and discussions on movies. I have no problem with expressing yourself. Being a fan of a movie/artist/TV Show is fine with me. Mostly because I know if I become a fan of that product, I know I’ll get updates and important news about it. When things like this gets fan pages, it’s where I draw the line.

So, if I’m not a fan of having an STD, does that mean I’m a fan of having an STD? No, absolutely not. Who hasn’t had to blow into video games to make them work. I’d like to know, if you are a fan of not having an STD, are you consistently getting updates to continue to be STD free? Probably not.

To wrap this up: If your starting a fan page to be funny or cute, don’t invite me. If your trying to upstart a revolution by getting a restaurant in a town, be serious about it. Use that page to start rallies and spread petitions. Don’t become a fan and just say, “Yeah, it’d be nice.” and then nothing comes out of it. That is the equivalent of not having the fan page, which is a waste of space on the internets.